Churchill Could Have Been Talking to Our Media Now
It is a mistake to try to look too far ahead. The chain of destiny can only be grasped one link at a time.
You have entered a Libertarian leaning blog that uses humor, sarcasm, and metaphor to emphasize its points. Here lie opinions on politics, American culture, and anything else I feel like abusing. Oh yeah, and taking pot shots at Progressives. Live Free or Die.
It is a mistake to try to look too far ahead. The chain of destiny can only be grasped one link at a time.
Found this at Klotzy's Contemplation Corner.....OBL spouting off...see if any of it sounds the least bit familiar:
The two Americas? Maybe not, but there is a group warfare happening in this country right now. But it is not necessarily a class warfare. It is the aging against the young. The retiring versus those just entering the work force. Unfortunately, however, the young are not even aware that they are under attack.
John Kerry was interviewed on Nightly New with Tom Brokaw last night. I thought it was a very enlightening interview.
"No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed, it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time."
1) On the missing weapons in Iraq Sen. Kerry said today:
Some info on the EU for those who may be interested:
Being an idiot(Theresa's words)ic right wing zealot, I sometimes have a hard time understanding the mindset of the left. So with this and my endless search for knowledge, in mind, I have some quetions for the left:
David Limbaugh @
Well I guess this is the October Surprise. Let's step forward ladies....equal rights mean equal responsibilities. Hey, Senator Rangel, no need for a draft now, we just doubled our man?power. What's that you say, Mr. Moore? "Now were sending both our poor sons and daughters to die in Fallujeh?"
I have come to believe there are two types of people in the world. Those who love and own their freedom; and those who, deep down, fear it. It seems many people in our society only pay lip service to the idea of freedom. They have no problem with the idea of freedom, but the reality scares the hell out of them.
"Any man under thirty who is not a liberal has no heart, and any man over thirty who is not a conservative has no brains."
That didn’t take long. Apparently now Canadians are beginning to have some problems with U.S. citizens buying their drugs. Interesting. It seems that:
Well here we go again….the issue that would not die-“A War For Oil.” It’s been popping up on the airwaves as of late so I guess I must comment on it. Well that, and I’m tired of Anonymous posting his letters to Mr. Rather on my website. So here it is an overheard secret meeting of the DNC.
Does the media bear any responsibility to the public for what it puts forward? In what it allows on its pages, it’s airwaves, it’s screens? Or can it put out any insane idea or nut bag rant and leave it to the public to find its validity? And is ‘truth’ a first amendment issue?
Dear Mr. Rather,
I originally wanted to wait some period of time before posting this in respect to Mr. Christopher Reeves. However, after this messianic rant by John Edwards on 10-11-04 stating:
Here’s a question. How do you take over a country without firing a shot? What would you need to do? What would you need to control? Could it even be done?
"Marge, don't discourage the boy ! Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals ! Except the weasel."
I had a novel idea the other day. This surprised me as I have come to believe, through the study of philosophy and thought, that there are no new ideas just new names for them. It is an idea, judging by the flow of our societies tide, who’s time has come. But first some pointed background.