Saturday, July 02, 2005

Back to Bizarro World

I have just returned from a week long adventure in the great pristine North. It is within those endless pines, umbrella skies, and glacial lakes where I yearly remind myself of just how little one truly needs in order to survive on this galactic space ship that we all share. It really brings into focus for me what is true, what is real. How hard work is what it actually takes to survive. And good planning. Preparedness. Mindful attention. An eye to the future. And surely still an ear to the present.
In truth, my adventures into the wilderness are the very things that make me a Conservative. They mold my mind and body. They make keen my awareness of my attitudes and beliefs. They remind me, oh so clearly, of a past where man was a part of nature, not apart from it. They instill in me a need to protect what is, now. To preserve what I must. To save what I can. Truly, to ‘conserve’. In short, my all too abbreviated connection with the Earth restores in me my true connection to the Earth and thus bolsters the Conservative in me.
This is what is true to me. What is real.
But then I come home to what seems to my Conservative mind must surely be insanity. It is a world upside down, and inside out. It does not run on logic, or on any of the rules that seem to guide the Universe. It is madness. It is Bizarro World.

From The San Francisco Chronicle :

The Supreme Court ruled Thursday that local governments can force property owners to sell out and make way for private economic development when officials decide it would benefit the public, even if the property is not blighted, and the new project's success is not guaranteed.

I have blogged before on the issue of eminent domain and property rights here, here, and here. It is one of those issues that just really tears me up to my very core. My God, when you buy something it should damn well be yours. And a thing is surely not yours if a person or entity can take it from you without your full, informed consent. The compensation offered matters little if your choice to sell is forcefully coerced. Who would sell a child for a million dollars to a slave trader? I’m sure the slaver would feel his offer fair and just compensation.
What we are talking about here is theft...plain and simple. It does not really matter the compensation for, or the final use of, the land. Neither justifies the act of theft. Of forced expropriation.
What it shows at its basic core is that you do not own your home and land, you merely rent it. From Mother Government. And that when she wants it, for what ever petty, self serving reason, she will take it.
There is no right we as Americans share that is more important to our freedom than that of property rights. None. Not freedom of speech...words dissolve into air and time, yet property remains. Not freedom of practice where, at a government owned church? Freedom to own a gun? To protect what? Shoot, just throw out the Third Amendment altogether. It’s the government’s land, it can quarter whomever, whenever it pleases.
This is an attack at the very heart of what it is to be American. It is an issue that crosses party lines. Odd that so many everyday Americans understand this while five, black robed ex-lawyers just don’t seem to get it.

And this Bizarro comment from NBC’s Mr. Brian Williams, found @ :

What would it all matter if proven true? Someone brought up today the first several U.S. presidents were certainly revolutionaries and might have been called 'terrorists' by the British crown, after all.

Another in depth insight from one of the MSM’s beloved talking heads. Did those ‘first several presidents’ target civilians in the Revolutionary War, Mr. Williams? One of us missed that day in history class. I’m betting it was you.
And wouldn’t it be more P.C., dear Brian, to call George Washington an ‘insurgent’? Or do you save that term for be-headers and baby killers?

And I would be remiss without at least one Bizarro comment from my favorite Dick, found @
“I'm hoping the American president understands how the American people view the Supreme Court," Durbin said. "It is also an institution which Americans demand be nonpolitical. We now have a political balance in Washington that has shifted in one direction. We want to make sure the Supreme Court is a balanced court politically, [that] it doesn't go too far one way or another.”

Hey Dick, you still waiting for that whole evolution thing to kick in? ‘Cuz it seems you have the brain of a monkey. And he wants it back.
I think the president ‘understands how the American people view the Supreme Court’ perfectly well, thank you Dick. So why don’t you just come out and say what you really mean, ‘Please, oh leader of the terrorist Nazi regime, don’t pick a political candidate...unless, of course, it is a Liberal one’.
My dislike of everything that is ‘Dick Durbin’ isn’t peeking through is it. Well, good! The very fact that he is a United States senator, and not a mere minority member of the Politburo, proves the existence of Bizarro World more than any words I could ever hope to pen to paper.

Crossposted @ The Wide Awakes