Monday, June 13, 2005

The Party of Yes

Maybe we have been a little hard on the Democrats of late. I know I have often heard them referred to recently as ‘The Party of No’. In fact, I’ve done so myself. But now, I’m not quite so sure they deserve this moniker. In fact, I think you can show that if you looked at them a little differently, just maybe they would more accurately be tagged as ‘The Party of Yes’.
For instance, they scream ‘Yes’ to abortion on demand, partial birth abortion, and non-parental notification of abortion by pregnant teens and pre-teens.
And it’s ‘Yes’ for giving foreign non-national, non-uniformed fighters and terrorists every single right we enjoy as American citizens.
And ‘Yes’ to appeasement. They’ll be damned before they allow any two bit country or religious zealot to even think about being angry at the U.S. for any rumored or minor discretion
Plus it’s ‘Yes’ to high unemployment, through their love of such things as the ‘living wage’ and of confiscatory taxing of the rich and of businesses that actually do employ people.
And ‘Yes’ to angry, almost psychotic rhetoric...from their side (read Chairman), not yours.
And “Yes’ to taking your money through the threat of jail or fine and sending it to whatever third world country that actors or singers feel is the flavor of the month.
Also a resounding ‘Yes’ to the entity involved in the theft of billions of dollars targeted to feed the needy in such third world countries.
And ‘Yes’ to a government that can now decide for you the ‘quality’ of your life.
And ‘Yes’ to socialism...because of course, it is working so spectacularly in Europe, and just look at the utopia that is the crumbling remnants of the USSR.
They also say ‘Yes’ to condoms passed out like candy in public schools.
On the subject of schools, it’s ‘Yes’ too, for the throwing of even more good money after bad at an institution, that is for the most part, simply an embarrassment to the free world.
And it’s ‘Yes’ to ending voter disenfranchisement...that is as long as you are a black man in Detroit and not a purple fingered woman in Baghdad.
Plus it is ‘Yes’ to class warfare and the peddling of envy.
And ‘Yes’ to the normalization and even government sanction of most types of abnormal sexual behavior.
And ‘Yes’ to a full unbridled repeal of the 2nd amendment.
Also it’s ‘Yes’ to unearned self-esteem and the complete elimination of competition.
And ‘Yes’ to the idea of Democracy...but only when Democrats are in the majority.
And ‘Yes’ to free speech, unless of course you are a Christian hillbilly redneck fascist red-stater.
Plus it is ‘Yes’ to the nuclear arming of dangerous human right abusing regimes.
And ‘Yes’ to giving civil liberties to every ‘undocumented worker’...either ‘law abiding’ or felon.
As far as felons go, it’s a resounding ‘Yes’ to voting rights and cable TV.
And ‘Yes’ they are the party of tolerance, ‘whether you like it or not’.
So you see, they can be ‘The Party of Yes’. I guess it really just depends on how you look at it.

Crossposted @ The Wide Awakes