Friday, May 06, 2005

From 'GBlagg's Little Book of Liberal Euphemism' Part 1

Tyranny of the Majority’-As in ‘we are no longer the majority and downright refuse to acknowledge this fact. So we now feel all majorities are evil. And as the self proclaimed mental and moral elite we will fight the horrendous hand of Democracy(*see Democracy) where ever it dares rear it’s ugly head.’

Pro-Choice’-The belief that the large, older being has the ultimate choice to destroy the life of the smaller, younger being basically from the moment of conception up til and just past the moment of birth.
Addendum-However, abortion is the single only area where humans have enough wisdom to be allowed any freedom of choice.

Theocracy’-Any whisper of religion in the public forum, thus proving the assertion that Zionists and the Pope now run our country.

Tax Cuts for the Rich’-The righteous hatred of any person or corporation more well off than the speaker of the term. Statement can be made even though the individual who states it unknowingly lies in the top 10% of household incomes.

Torture’-Defined as any action by any American that causes any offense or discomfort to a cold blooded child murderer.

Juvenile’-Any criminal, including murderers and rapists, who because of their age and lack of maturity can not be held responsible for their actions. Definition of ‘juvenile’ is not to include pregnant preteens and children in need of birth control. Or senators from Massachusetts.

Compassion’-The act of taking legally earned money or property from those who earned it and giving it to those who can not or more likely will not do for themselves. Oh yeah, and actually having the gall to have the government do that for you.

Tolerance’-The forcing of others to think and believe as you do through threat of insult or defamation.

Diversity’-The large disparity of ideals and politics so obviously seen in American universities and news rooms.

Democracy’-the theory of majority rules with the obvious exceptions of when the Democrats are not the majority or when George Bush’s policies cause Democratic regime change.

New York Times Poll’-A poll weighted and/or worded to support any and all Democratic talking points.

Social Security Theft’-Any program proposed by Republicans supposedly to give true ownership of retirement to individual Americans, but in actuality aimed at enriching George Bush’s Wall Street buddies and Halliburton(*see Halliburton).

Disenfranchisement’-Karl Rove using voodoo in order to cause rain storms thus keeping the elderly and poor from the polling booths.

Religion’-A philosophy utilized to undermine secular collectivism.

Individuality’-A selfish philosophy used to undermine secular collectivism.

Is’-Meaning of this word lies only in the hidden recesses of Mr. Clinton’s needy little mind.

Freedoms’-A collection of rights ceded to individuals by the Federal government.

'Insurgents’-Those women and child murderers the American left refuses to call terrorists because that would booster George Bush’s agenda.

Journalist’-A left leaning Bush hating Norm Chomskey inspired semi-literate media reporter.

Advise and Consent ’-Defined as invoking the filibuster, as never used before, in order to block any Bush appointed judges who dare to hold the Constitution as a defined document.

U.N.’-The conglomerate of the Earth’s countries that obviously has the best interests of all peoples of the world in mind. The term ‘best interests of all peoples of the world’ of course is not to include any American interests.

Halliburton’-Not quite sure the meaning of this one, just that it is a derogatory term used mainly when a liberal is losing an argument.

Homophobe’-Any person who is of the closed minded belief that homosexuality is not the normal state of human sexuality.

Homeless’-People just like you and me whose loss of livelihood through Republican programs and lack of compassion(*see Compassion) has caused them to devolve into drug addicted, alcoholic sub-humans.

Private Accounts’-Another evil plot to steal power from Liberal politicians by putting money and choice in the hands of those who truly earned and deserve it.

Zealot’-Any Right wing Christian red state nut who cares about such trivial things as life and family.

Public School System’-The socialist indoctrination system built to move America from a free society to communism within five generations.

Crossposted @ The Wide Awakes