Thursday, April 07, 2005

Investigation Into Choice and Fear

GBlagg: Why is it the Left always comes down on the wrong side of every issue? On the side of evil? On the side of the drug addict, the side of the criminal?

S&S: Do you really want to know?

GBlagg: It would help me to live in the world.

S&S: Then what is it the left fears the most?

GBlagg: Conservatives?

S&S: Do not be patronizing and naive. What do they fear?

GBlagg: Why don’t you tell me?

S&S: You asked the question why does the Left side with ‘the drug addict, the criminal’. Why do you think that this is the side that they take?

GBlagg: Compassion?

S&S: It is not compassion. But I believe you are fully aware of that. What does the Left fear?

GBlagg: Truth?

S&S: You are getting closer. What is it about the drug addict and the criminal that the Left finds attractive?

GBlagg: Track lines?

S&S: I will not help you if you trivialize our investigation.

GBlagg: You’re right. Go on.

S&S: There is a commonality you seem not to grasp. What makes the drug addict and criminal different from you and I?

GBlagg: They are no different.

S&S: Very good. But how does the left view them differently?

GBlagg: They see them as lower.

S&S: And what does that mean exactly?

GBlagg: I am not sure...

S&S: It means that they see them as creatures who have no choice. As animals, who are doomed to the drug or the crime as the night is doomed to the dawn. And that is what they want. They want man to be an ape. A slave to his baser instincts. Thus a slave to their whims.
Look at our culture, the culture the Left loves and adores.
In the overt sexuality of the adult, and of the child as well. When mankind is reduced to the sexual and is thought merely a victim of his hormones, is he then not an animal? An animal that can and should be controlled?
In the honoring of the depraved. In the relishing of it. You see, if some men are depraved, then depravity must surely reside in the hearts of all men. Thus, in the mind of the Left, all men are equally evil and deserve no respect. No exhaltation.
In the reverence of the lazy and inept. Of the Welfare State. If the lazy can be idolized as heroes, true heroism loses its meaning. True men have nothing in which to aspire.
These are their thoughts.
This is the type of man that they long for.

GBlagg: Why? Why on Earth?

S&S: Fear.

GBlagg: Of what?

S&S: I will ask you. Why does the Left wish man to be a ‘slave to his baser instincts’?

GBlagg: Well, that would seem to mean that man has no choice. That he is a victim of his genetics.

S&S: So what do they fear?

GBlagg: Choice!

S&S: Yes, choice. They fear the man who is not chained to his instincts. They fear the man who rises above. They fear the man who sets freedom as his highest order. Who claims his 'right to choose' as a birthright. Who holds it dear through danger and threat. That man they can not control.

GBlagg: Still, something doesn’t make sense to me. The Left claims that ‘the Bible thumpers’ and all religious observers are merely superstitious zombies who follow a mythical book unquestioningly. They claim that these people have no choice. Why then, does the Left despise them so much?

S&S: Because religion teaches right and wrong. Because right and wrong are choices. In the school moral relativism there is no need for choice. No need to judge or decide. A true believer in moral relativism is the ape they so dearly desire. An animal in need of control. But, you see, a spiritual man is grounded in choice. It is his heaven as well as his hell.

GBlagg: But why? Is the free man not the greatest of men? Why do they fear this man?

S&S: Because he will make hard choices. And choices are the enemy of safety. The Left longs for safety. They lust after it. Look at the laws we now abide that make criminals of honest men, simply in the name of safety.
The free man understands that the meaning of life is not, and has never been, safety. The true man understands the meaning in the words responsibility and repercussion. Understands that merely because choices may be hard, it does not mean choices should not be made. He honors freedom and treasures choice. Even choices that may bring pain and sorrow.

GBlagg: But, that is just life....

S&S: And that is what the Left fears the most.