Thursday, April 07, 2005


Thank you to Aunt Annie for the heads up on this article from
Well, this is just ridiculous. And probably patently illegal.

Brauer, of Pharmacists for Life, defends the right of pharmacists not only to decline to fill prescriptions themselves but also to refuse to refer customers elsewhere or transfer prescriptions.
"That's like saying, 'I don't kill people myself but let me tell you about the guy down the street who does.' What's that saying? 'I will not off your husband, but I know a buddy who will?' It's the same thing," said Brauer, who now works at a hospital pharmacy.

Ms. Brauer, you do not own that prescription. It is owned by the person it was prescribed to. Once you make the decision not to fill it, any attitude or thoughts you have regarding it are irrelevant.

Had I been the person involved in this, I would have made a 911 call for theft.

It should be obvious to anyone following the last few posts, that I agree with a pharmacist’s, or a pharmacy’s, right to refuse to sell morning after drugs. In fact, they should be able to sell or refuse to sell any drug whatsoever. But, under no circumstances is it right for any person, for any reason, to withhold a legally written prescription.