Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Who Owns Your Soul, Who Owns Your Business?

So apparently only some Illinois residents rights matter to you Mr. Governor?

Pharmacists must dispense contraceptives even if they believe the drugs kill the unborn, Gov. Blagojevich has deemed in an emergency ruling.
An Osco pharmacist refused in February to dispense "morning-after" pills to two women, telling them they could come back later and ask for a different pharmacist. Osco and the American Pharmacists Association backed up the pharmacist's right to invoke the state's "conscience clause."’

This type of government intrusion into business and personal choice must not stand!

My E-Mail to Comrade Governor...

Mr. Blagojevich,
Your recent Executive order forcing pharmacists to sell morning after drugs through the threat of fine and jail is very disturbing. It is a usurping of the freedoms of any conscientious American. Your stance does not advance the freedom of anyone involved. Not the women who were refused the drug...they could simply have gone down the street to a Walgreens and had their prescriptions filled. Not the are using the force of government to abuse her rights and conscience.
You have over stepped your authority and have moved us one step away from communism. In forcing a private business to sell a product that you as the government representative deem needed, you have basically used your position to take over that company. Can you, then, force any surgeon in Illinois to perform abortions on demand? Is that in your authority?
It is frightening to any freedom loving American when someone with your power to fine and arrest uses that power in tyranny. A private business is not here to 'serve the public good', it is here solely for the profit of its owner/owners. If through business decisions it does not gain profit, it will perish. That is free enterprise. What you are doing through your actions is un-American and it is wrong. It is malevolent government intervention. You should be embarrassed as an American, as I am from your actions.
Please rethink your stance on this issue. Think about it as an American. Think about it as a free man. Think about it as a conscientious human being. For once, ignore the PC police and do what's right.

Do we still live in America?