Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Laws are for the law abiding.

Let that sink in.

And while you do, here is a thought experiment...The government decides it wants to curb smoking. It decides the best way to do that is to institute a sin tax. Senator A and Senator B each have a plan to do this, but the plans differ on one important point. Senator A’s plan is to tax cigarettes by the pack. His reasoning is that the extra amount the user of the cigarette will pay might just make some smokers quit completely. Senator B’s plan is to levy a tax on non-smokers. His reasoning is...oh, who am I kidding, he has no reasoning, he is an idiot.

Well, what did we learn here? How about this: If one is looking to change behavior through government power, one needs to deal with the people who exhibit that behavior.

Where am I going with this?

Richard Daly, mayor of Chicago, is on the offensive against gun owners, again. He seems to think that more gun laws will make us all safer. He seems to think that gun laws stop law abiding citizens from going on killing sprees. He seems to think that with just a few more gun laws, laws that only those who respect the law honor, all gun violence will finally end.

This from WBBM780 on line:

‘Daley criticized state lawmakers for blocking gun-control measures while advancing proposals to let more people carry concealed weapons and called on Illinois residents to speak out in support of gun-control laws.

``We should send a strong message to all our legislators in Springfield and Washington: Do not listen to extremists, do not listen to the National Rifle Association,'' Daley said.’

Heads up, Dick, there are already dozens and dozens of laws that control and restrict the owning of guns. Criminals still use them. The MSM hate guns and rarely pass up an opportunity to describe gun owners as radical idiots. Criminals still use them. Mr. Daly and Co. could make every single gun on Earth illegal, criminals will still use them.

How about this legislation...S&S Bill #1: Any criminal who commits any crime using a gun, upon conviction of guilt, is sentenced to life in prison. I call it the 'One Hammer Strike and You're Out' law. Make sense?

So, going back to our thought experiment, what should we say to Mr. Daly?

How about,
‘Hey Dick, why don’t you go after the criminals who use guns for illegal purposes with the laws you have right now, and just once leave the law abiding gun owners alone.’