Monday, March 28, 2005

What is Human

What is it to be human?

Is the human body sacred? Or is it merely a vehicle for an evolution developed post simian brain? These are the questions that need to be faced. They are the white elephant in the room. We ignore him at our peril and the peril of our children.
Are we only cells and organs and hormones? Are we mere puppets to the whims of chemicals? This is what the secularists would have us believe.

It has been said that ‘we are the stuff of stars’. That the very atoms that make up our bodies have been forged in the fires of fusion that light this mostly empty universe. To me this is not a Godless idea. The incredible odds that are us is boggling to my mind. I can not get my head around a randomness that builds a creature with self awareness simply from carbon manufactured in some lonely distant star. Nor can I fathom our uniqueness in the endless universe without a reason or a direction. We are, as far as science can tell, the only fully conscious creature in a space that for all intents and purposes is endless. I can not help but see the sacred in that.

But many can. Many see you and I as only particles...or is it waves now? They tell us this while at the same time never explaining from whence this matter and energy emerged. They state that every human action from hunger to anger to love are hormones just dancing their random dance. They do not see the love in the eyes of lovers, merely lust. Hope to them is solely a survival instinct. As are faith and wonder.

There is nothing special about you to the secularist. You are a vehicle. Like a van or train or plane. Without the engine that is your brain, the rest of you is just dispensable stuff for the junk yard. To be tossed aside when a newer better model arises or you have become inconvenient.
This is why the Right argues against the judicially inflicted death of a handicapped non-terminal young woman in Florida. Why we argue against abortion. And fetal stem cell research. And chimuras. And cloning. And many other cultural and scientific forays that remove the sacred from what is human.

I have no doubt that research into fetal stem cells and cloning may bring some benefit. But at what cost? Is this not the Left’s exact argument against drilling in ANWR? The difference here is that we as a species may lose our soul, whereas the Alaskan tundra may lose some lichens.

When you remove the soul from what is human, what is left? A chimp with dangerous means. This is how we, as humans, are viewed by this crowd.
Thus it is not really that surprising to me that the secularist left views humanity with such low regard.
I see it every day in their arguments.
They argue that certain healthy humans are incapable of self reliance and rational thought. How many times in arguments on Welfare, Social Security, Medicare, etc. have we heard this stated?
They argue that a man is not responsible for his actions or their outcomes. It is not the killer, it is the gun. She had Post Pardom Depression. He is a juvenile, how could he be responsible?
They argue moral relativism. There is no objective right or wrong. The deaths of those killed by Muslim terrorists are meaningless because Christians have killed people in the past.
They argue against judgements. Who are you after all to judge another’s life or the way they live it? They will even lower themselves to quote scripture on this if they must.

But I digress.

What it all boils down to, I believe, is what is ‘the breath of life’? Is it a random quantum energy induced reaction to universal forces, or is it an infinitely wonderful gift endowed by a Creator? The choice, of course, is ours to make...and that is what makes us human.

Crossposted @ Wide Awakes
and Blogger News Network