Thursday, April 07, 2005

Dear Aunt Annie

I fear for the future of our country. I fear many of us care little for what personal rights that by birthright we presently own. Like the Left’s view of the Constitution, our rights seem to be living entities. To be toyed with. To be redefined. To be stolen.

Here is a comment on my last post.

The ruling is that a pharmacy must fill a prescription written by a doctor, not a particular pharmacist.

How would you feel if you went to your pharmacy with a prescription for a pain-killer and the pharmacist not only refused to fill the prescription but wouldn't return it to you to get filled somewhere else? This is what has happened to women trying to get birth control pills and rape victims trying to get morning-after pills. These presciptions are, at this time, legal, and I side with the customer's right to get her prescription filled. Do you really want the pharmacist to be making decisions about your medication needs? What if they decide not to fill depression meds, or anti-inflammatory drugs, or ADHD meds because they feel the side effects are too dangerous (or because they feel the drugs are over-prescribed). That is a doctor's decision, not a pharmacist.
Aunt Annie | Homepage | 04.07.05 - 6:40 am | #

And my reply...

Sorry Aunt Annie,
I would feel fine, and I would go elsewhere. You see, I make ‘decisions about my medical needs’. The only control I have over another man's business is where I spend my money. The government should have less than that. This is not communist Russia.
You say, ‘The ruling is that a pharmacy must fill a prescription written by a doctor, not a particular pharmacist.’ How is that any better?
You see, there are a myriad of other pharmacies. Most towns have more than one. Owned by private citizens. Not by the government. People like you seem happy to cede rights previously held by private citizens to the government merely for your safety or ease. I will not.
A better analogy than yours would be the government making a law that forces you with the threat of fine or jail to kill another persons child. Would it matter if the parents of that child did not mind? If that idea sounds obnoxious to you, maybe you can sense the feelings of that pharmacist. She should have rights also.
As of now Conservatives still do. I am well aware that the Left finds that offensive. I am well aware that the party of tolerance is only tolerant of it's own beliefs. I am well aware that the party of compassion has none for opposing ideas.
If, in fact as you have said, the pharmacists have not returned prescriptions, that is wrong. That should be and probably is illegal. If you have proof of this please send me the articles. You have my word I will post on the injustice of that action as well.