Monday, July 11, 2005


This is going to be another of those posts whose blame lies squarely on the shoulders of Cracker. He not only is the mastermind of nearly all the evil in this world, he is also responsible for forcefully coercing me into listening to Air America. You know Air America, that dark bile filled belly pit of radio. Where humor, information, and entertainment are swallowed, digested, and processed. Pushed forth through the Leftist gut of feelings, into the Liberal bowel of inanity, and finally spewed out as the fecal matter that passes for thought from the Progressive body politic.
Recently on The Jerry Springer Show(not the one where ignorant people act like idiots and spout stupidity, making fools of themselves in front of a national audience, but...Hold on, it is that one!) a caller called in stating that the Iraq war was taking up resources badly needed to fight the true War on Terror. That America is a less safe place due to this fact. That if all our soldiers were removed from Iraq, they could be used more effectively in the War on Terror.
I have heard this argument more than once from the Leftist community. No, not as much as the words ‘Halliburton’, ‘quagmire’, or ‘Bush lied’, but surely more than once. So let us look a little closer at what this statement actually means. And more importantly its implications and its obvious outcomes.
Beyond the fact that removing our troops from Iraq would basically be ceding victory to the terrorists, thus emboldening them for any future endeavors their black little hearts can envision; there are other more intrinsic questions raised by this callers statements. Like how exactly he would envision, then, using those available troops.
Would he use them to attack terrorist strongholds throughout the world? Strongholds in Iran, Pakistan, and Palestine for instance? How exactly would the US go about sending American troops into other countries territories? Would it be with or without the sanction of those governments? And even if the governments of those countries allowed it, which is doubtful, how would ‘the Arab street’ in those countries react?
Or maybe that wasn’t exactly what the caller had in his mind, if he had anything in there at all. Maybe, instead, he would want us to go after the actual countries involved in the backing of terror. Surely, then he must mean we should declare war on countries such as Saudi Arabia, Syria, Egypt, etc. But I doubt it.
So what does he mean?
Maybe the words of another caller, later on the same show, will clear things up. This brain surgeon(I am only guessing here that he was a brain surgeon, as he gave me a headache and left me in stitches) stated that instead of wasting our money on the war in Iraq, we should be putting it toward the funding of first responders. First responders?
That is when it kicked in. These callers, and most Liberals for that matter, have this one thing in common. They do not come right out and say it, but the meaning shines through just the same. It is exactly the difference in the way in which the Right and the Left would fight this war.
It is Offense versus Defense.
So here it is, the Left would have us sit back and wait for an attack. But that is OK, because at least we would have fully funded the first responders and it would be so much easier to clean up the mess. They would rather our military be used to scrape up American body parts, than to take the fight to the terrorists themselves. The idea of an offensive war is so alien to their ‘compassionate’ mind set, they would rather wait for an attack...hoping against hope that they and theirs are not injured or killed...than mount a preemptive assault on the murderous Islamo-fascists.
These are not thoughts and insights that will make us safer. They are the beliefs of the fearful. The feelings of cowards. The doctrines of those who have already ceded the fight to evil.
But evil is not sated by appeasement. It never has been. It thrives on it. Feeds on it. Hiding your head in the sand and waiting for disaster are the actions of those who have already lost. Already surrendered.
I was asked this weekend at a party, while discussing the issue of our men and women in Iraq, ‘When is enough, enough?’
What I answered is what every freedom loving human should answer when asked such a thing. What every serious person must understand about the truth in fighting terrorism. What those who truly want a free and safe world for their children and their children’s children must stand up and shout.
‘When is enough, enough?’

Postscript...Remember, Cracker is solely responsible for the thoughts and ideas of this post, so any comments from pacifist socialist tree huggers should be addressed to him. However, any comments from right minded Americans agreeing with these thoughts and ideas, I will freely accept and applaud. Lastly, defense wins Super Bowls. It does not save lives.

Forwarded to The Wide Awakes on 7-17-05