Thursday, July 07, 2005


I am nothing if not a student of the human condition.
I was born among them and have lived my entire life within their sphere of their influence. Sometimes I wonder if I am the only one. That is not true, instead, I wonder if I am among an elite few.
Because it often seems to me that a large percentage-read Lefties-of our society has no idea what the motivations, wants, and needs of the human truly are.
They ignore the basic human want of better for one’s self and one’s family. This is how they can lust for communism and hunger for socialism.
They dismiss the inborn human need of the mystic. It’s unquestioned end only leads them to self-awareness and personal responsibility. It is a brick wall of truth standing in the way of moral relativism. They will have not of that. Denial is, instead, a warm safe place.
But this post is not about those things, it is about the idea of ‘investment’.
‘Investment’, I define as the amount of thought, emotion, energy, and time an individual puts into an ideal, a person, or a thing. ‘Investment’ is as basic to the human mind as the ability to compartmentalize and organize. It is how we connect to/with things. It spells out for us how much importance we ‘invest’ in any idea or thing. In the end, it is those things in which we ‘invest’ or choose not to ‘invest’ that show ourselves and others who we actually are, or at least who we wish to be.
A mother invests in a child, a philosopher an idea, a CEO a corporate plan. We invest in hobbies, music and art, ideas, friends and enemies, and yes-politics.
It is the connection we humans have to everything, but of course there is a ‘dark side’. And that ‘dark side’ is seen when we ‘invest’ in a lie, or an evil person, or a bad habit, or a negative lifestyle.
When one has invested in such a ‘dark side’ of ‘investment’, the amount of damage can be extreme. When one puts their thoughts, time, expectations, and even love into what turns out to be a lie, it is nearly impossible to unwind from that trap. The ‘investment’ itself holds one tight. It takes an uncommonly great person to admit they are wrong when something they have invested in turns out to be negative. Most merely deny the truth and rationalize instead. Many strike out at the messenger of truth. A few lose whatever slight hold they had on sanity to begin with.
And this brings me to the attack on London. And to the idea that I am sure will soon sweep through the halls and havens of the Left. It is the idea of appeasement. The feeling that ceding to the whims of the terrorists will end their hatred of The Great Satan. That leaving Iraq will not embolden the baby killers, but instead win their understanding and love.
It is a lie. And has been proven to be so again and again.
They attack we give in. They are emboldened by the acquiescence, they attack again. We give in...and so on and so on.
The attacks on London and the bombing in Spain are directly connected. There is no denying that fact.
Unless one is ‘invested’. ‘Invested’ in the idea that the be-headers can be appeased. ‘Invested’ in the thought that evil can be ignored. “Invested’ in the feeling that if one does not face evil, then it does not really exist. This is the ‘dark side’ of investment. This is the failing of the Left.
I explained before that it takes a great man to shed the binds of investment and face what is the truth, but there is another way. It is from a major shock. From a powerful jolt straight to the core of a person. There are a few, I am sure, who will be affected in just this way. Too few though, I am afraid.
In closing, I ask those who have had the patience to read this far to try to release the ego of ‘investment’ that binds the mind, and be open for what is true.
And what is true here is that we are at war. At war with those who would kill us. Kill us for our beliefs. Kill us for our lifestyles. Kill us for our property. Yes, kill us for the very things we ‘invest’ in everyday.