Saturday, December 03, 2005

Pull Them Out Now!!!

Oh my God!

Recently released crime statistics show the homicide rate in California is 265 percent higher than the death rate suffered by U.S. and British military personnel in Iraq.
According to the report "Crime in California 2004," compiled by California Attorney General Bill Lockyer, there were 2,394 reported homicides in the Golden State last year. That compares with 905 deaths of coalition forces in Iraq, chiefly Americans and Brits, during the same time period.

Let’s get our sons and daughters out of there immediately! Seriously, would you send your child to die in San Diego?
We must put an end to the Schwarzenegger regime’s failed policies!
Our children should not have to die to enrich the big orange orchard conglomerates!
Can't you see that Californian’s don’t want freedom anyway!(Well, that much is true...look how they voted on a union members right to decide where his dues are to be spent and for impinging on a citizen’s choice to smoke). They want us out!
This is what happens when we let Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo invade California unilaterally! Where was our ‘grand coalition'?!? This is the wrong time, wrong place, wrong state!
Where are the Weapons of Ass Destruction, Mr. Governor? And don't try to convince us they're buried under the bath houses in San Francisco.
Even Barbara Boxer agrees there is no hope, "Every day, there's another message. ... They don't seem to know what they're doing. We are in a mess because they have no plan, and now it seems they don't even talk to each other. ... What's happening there is not working; it's a disaster."
Can't you see that before American's entered California there was no violence and death? This is our doing...our actions drew this violence like a magnet!
I don't care if the surf's up...our people in there are broken, worn out and living hand to mouth!
Please, Arnold, just bring our people home...the killing has to end.