Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Tonight on (A)nything (B)ut (C)onservative


Don’t miss what the critics are calling ‘the best new drama’ on television.
The show James Goa’uld of The New York Times calls, “...sexy...and with an in your face red-state Christian zealots attitude” and NPR’s Dennis Cuss lauds as, “Finally, at long last, one of the big three networks has the balls to open the country’s eyes to some liberal ideas.”
It’s the program all America will be talking about.
Tonight on ABC 8:00 Eastern and 7:00 Central, there will be a female Chief Justice. Barbara Streisand stars in Commander and Chief Justice.
When a Republican president’s black female Libertarian candidate dies in a mysterious drowning accident in Massachusetts, he is forced to pick a stealth nominee as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Unknown to him and his fascist regime, she is a closet Liberal.
Don’t be the only one at the water cooler who didn’t see the premier Howie Crosenburger of The LA Times describes as, “The drama that screams to Karl Rove, ‘Keep your greasy hands off my uterus, you damn dirty ape!’” and that Roger Dilbert of The Chicago Sun-Times calls, “...the story of a menopausal super-legislator...with a fallopian attitude. Roe vs. Wade? I’d spend time in the gene pool with this nominee any day of the week!”
Barbara Streisand in her first television role plays Henrietta Spiers, a virtually unknown barrister with her eyes on Washington and a drive to get her country back.
“It’s time we as Supreme Court Justices step up and both make and enforce the laws necessary for the progress of our nation towards a Utopian future and away from the jack booted fascism of Conservatism. As Chief Justice I vow to feed and care for our ‘living constitution’ until we as comrades live in a country of Social Justice and collectivist equality.”
“Bab’s was born for this role!” raves Fred Dibble of The Boston Globe.
And Geena Davis, star of ABC’s newest hit show Commander in Chief states, “Now with a woman President and a woman Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, my ground breaking network is leading the way in estrogen driven dramas. By the way, my friend Cameron Diaz is looking for work...better watch your P’s and Q’s Dennis Hastert.”
So grab some popcorn, a copy of the Communist Manifesto, sit back, and enjoy ABC’s latest critic's favorite drama...Commander and Chief Justice!