Thursday, August 11, 2005

Some People...

Overheard in the ABC newsroom...

Assistant: Hey dude, I hear you’re in a bit of hot water...

Producer: You heard, huh?

Assistant: Yeah. What happened.

Producer: It’s kind of a long story...

Assistant: We’re between cycles, let’s hear it.

Producer: Alright. It started last week when I had an interview with a young lady applying for an internship...

Assistant: Go on...

Producer: Well, she seemed OK. You know, smart and with it. I thought the interview went well, and I really thought about offering her the job.

Assistant: But...

Producer: No but...yet. After she left, I talked to my secretary. She said the young lady stopped by her desk and said how nice she thought I was. That she had expected a network news producer to be an arrogant ass, but that I was down to Earth and treated her with respect.

Assistant: Hmmm...doesn't sound so bad.

Producer: This is when it gets good. Two weeks later I got a phone call.

Assistant: What happened?

Producer: The damned girl accused me of sexual harassment! She went over my head and said that I made improper sexual advances during her interview.

Assistant: After she had said what a decent guy you were?

Producer: Yeah, can you believe it? And it gets worse...

Assistant: Geez, go on.

Producer: Then she had the nerve to ask for another interview.

Assistant: With who?

Producer: Me. She wanted me to give her another interview!

Assistant: What a whack job!

Producer: Amen! She’s a f***in’ nutcase!

Assistant: A f***in’ nutcase...

Producer: Unbelievable.

Assistant: Some people are just like that I guess.

Producer: Well, it looks like we’re going on air here in a minute...

Assistant: Yeah, we should get back to work. Hey, by the way, what do you think about the Cindy Sheehan story?

Producer: That damn Bush, what an a**hole!

Crossposted @ The Wide Awakes