Friday, July 29, 2005

Some Thoughts on Freedom

I am an individual. I am largely independent. I was born this way. I expect little from the government but roads, privacy, and protection from external enemies. Unfortunately, I am of the few.
I do not state these facts to belittle others nor even promote myself. I state them merely because they are important. For they are the basis of freedom.
For freedom never comes from dependence.
I find it endlessly irritating that the Left, and unfortunately many too now on the Right, do not understand this basic fact. The more dependent you are on another person or entity(read government), the less free you are. You can spout ‘freedom this’ and ‘freedom that’, but you step further from liberty with each inch towards dependence.
And the ‘freedom’ pulpits know this. They know that in order to control you, first they must make you dependent. They steal your liberty while at the exact same time crowing how they love the march of ‘freedom’.
They offer instead, safety. Safety and comfort. “I will protect you. With Welfare. With Social Security. With National Heal Care. With laws that make criminals of honest men. All I ask in return is your dependence.” This is there code. Do not be fooled.
You have been endowed by your creator(whatever you choose to call him) with innate abilities. With creativity. With power. With self-reliance. Do not believe the lie that you have not.
So many are victims of ‘the soft bigotry of low expectations’ in our world. But you need not be a victim. As long as a man has breath, a man can change. A man can fight. A man can do. If there is a secret to freedom, it is will. It is the ‘fire in the belly’. It is control over one’s decisions. It is the will to act. None of these things are aspects of dependence.
Look at your life. See where you are dependent. Ask yourself if in these areas you are free. You are told you live in a ‘free’ society, but is this true?
With every new government program you are less free. With every new law you are less free. With every new tax you are less free.
We have given up so much in the name of comfort and safety.
But the human soul burns to be free. It is in our DNA. It is still there for us. Do we have the will to grab it?