Friday, July 22, 2005

An Open Letter to Liberal Appeasers

When I heard about the shooting and killing of the homicide bomber in London this morning my first thought was, ‘Sweet!’. Then came news of the bomb threat to the mosque. And my next thought was, ‘It’s about time.’ Then I heard that the house of one of the bombers had been burnt to the ground. ‘Where do I get a match?’, I wondered. This may frighten many of you, but it seems I am becoming a vigilante. Yes you heard me, A Vigilante.
But hold on a sec, before you condemn me for that vicious crime, let’s be fair. All I ask is that you offer me the same compassion you so willing cede to the decapitators and baby killers. That you look at my weakness with the same tolerance you offer mall bombers and the militant anti-Semitic. You must not look at the vileness of my views, that would be judgmental. You must, if you dare not be a hypocrite, look at what it is that has made me this way.
What is the history that has caused my hatred. Surely someone is to blame, that someone not being me of course. But some evil action in my past by some oil cartel or giant corporation or the military industrial complex. Or maybe it is some past discretion of my own beloved country. The way we treated the Indians, or the blacks, or some foreign despots. Or it could go even further back than that. Maybe it was the Crusades, heck it could even have been the very beginning of Western civilization...damned Romans.
I mean let’s be serious here, I can not be held responsible for my actions. Just ask the media or Ken Livingstone or Jerry Springer. Sure my vigilantism must be stopped, but how can that be accomplished without looking inside. At our own culpability, our own guilty actions. Well, Libs, I’m with you on this one, it can’t.
And after we look inside, how about looking at external reasons for my victimhood. Let us now look at what terrorists have done to inflict me with this most dangerous of diseases. There was the hostage situation in the ‘70's. The killing of an innocent handicapped man by throwing him over the side of a ship. The attacks on American embassies. The killing of the Marines in Lebanon. The bombing of the U.S.S. Cole. The first failed attack on the World Trade Centers. The bombings in Bali and Germany. The bombings in Spain. 9/11. And these latest attacks in London. How could I not be affected. Infected, by this insidious slow brewing desire for revenge.
And really, you America hating, Bush bashing, appeasement embracing, scared little moonbats; you just have to cut me a break. It’s the Liberal thing to do.