Saturday, July 30, 2005

From “Gblagg’s Little Book of Liberal Euphemism” Part 2

Mainstream’-(n) epitomized by the Leftist uberman-an atheist, socialist, homosexual, social and judicial activist, living on one of the two coasts, who demands the right to abortion up until the moment of birth.

Parent ‘A’’-(n) an androgynous caretaker who may or may not be blood related to the post birth fetus in question.

Parent ‘B’’-(n) See ‘Parent ‘A’, only add another level of insanity.

Stem-Cell Research’-(n) Means only embryonic stem-cell research. Absolutely not adult or cord blood stem-cell research, but let me repeat, only embryonic stem-cell research.

Economics’-(n) a school of thought whose theories are misused by mental giants such as Paul Krugman in order to deny reality and advance the point that we are in the worst economy since the Great Depression.

Environmentalist’-(n) any rich Liberal who demands the government ‘do something’ about the environment while sitting in their air conditioned flat in the center of their concrete crusted metropolitan center.

Union’-(n) pseudo-socialist entity used to funnel money from government sponsored slave labor directly into the DNC coffers.

Journalist’-(n) a wordsmith who, even with mostly limited knowledge of the subject of his reportage, still is able to slant it towards his pro-liberal/anti-conservative agenda.

Values’-(n) anything that can in any way be linked to ‘a woman’s right to choose’. (syn.)-6 degrees of Roe vs. Wade.

Corporation’-(n) an evil entity consisting only of fat cat CEOs...and with, of course, some unholy connection to the sitting administration. (ant.)-a business for profit offering jobs to qualified individuals thus increasing that individuals quality of life.

Fascist’-(n) any Conservative who stands for what he believes in, but under no circumstances a Liberal who does the same.

The Second Amendment’-(n) ‘What the hell are you talking about...there is no second amendment...Oh, you mean that one.”

Mandate’-(n) any campaign to force a change in government or society, almost always to benefit only a very small vocal portion of society.

Home Schooling’-(n) a malicious attempt by red state Christian bigots to oppose Progressive indoctrination of children.

PBS(Public Broadcast System)’-(n) “Ha! You think ‘home schooling’ will keep our Progressive indoctrination from your children’s minds? And even funnier, we’re making you pay for it!”

Diplomacy’-(n) ceding American power and control to any entity or nation that feels it has been in any way wronged at any time in the past by the evil U.S. or it’s Capitalist policies.

Patriotism’-(n) blowing oneself and innocents to smithereens in order to force The Great Satan out of one’s homeland.

Feelings’-(n) the most important facet used in making any decisions, or for that matter, public policy.

Victim’-(n) anyone, as long as they are not a white male who is presently employed.

Islam’-(n) “The religion we hope defeats those damn Christians once and for all.”

For more go here.

Crossposted @ The Wide Awakes