Saturday, August 27, 2005


What has become of the character of the American people?

It was not that long ago in our history that the Kelo vs. the City of New London decision would have resulted in armed revolt. Now, few Americans are angered and fewer still even aware.
It seems most Americans care little for true freedom. Oh, they care for the freedom to slander and libel their leaders. Or the freedom to have porn pumped through their cable lines.
But what of true freedom? What of the tangible freedom of property? Private property is the fundamental right of every American. The right to keep what he earns. The right to own what he purchases. These rights are tangible. There is no freedom without them. Why so little outrage?
Our Founding Fathers went to war over a Tea Tax for Gods sakes!
Today’s American is taxed when he earns his money. When he spends his money. When he saves his money. When he invests his money. Hell, even when he dies! Worse still, there are those who feel this is not enough.
There is a Chinese curse,"May you live in interesting times." Oh, what we freedom loving Americans must have done to the Chinese...

Again, what has become of the character of the American people?

-When the greatest assault on property rights since the of the Sixteenth Amendment is of less importance to the average American than the identity of Jennifer Aniston’s latest boy toy or the opinions of an anti-American narcissist.
-When the killing of our unborn is termed Progressive.
-When we voluntarily send our children to be indoctrinated into socialism, liberal sexuality, and false self-esteem.
-When we diminish the productive and idolize the indolent.
-When we insult and demean the sacrifice of brave American soldiers.
Attacking the injured and deeming them mercenaries.
-When we refer to evil men who target women and children for death as ‘freedom fighters’.
-When the character building dimension of personal responsibility is replaced by the humanity eroding vision of the ‘nanny state’.
-When a massive invasion at the Southern border is dismissed simply as multiculturalism.
-When the idea that a man should love a woman is seen as homophobic.

Yet there was a time, not so long ago, Americans would have laughed at the absurdity of the issues above. Maybe I was born a little too late. Hell, who is this Conservative to stand in the way of Progress?