Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Every Human Needs Meaning

There is a deep need in the spirit of the human for meaning beyond one’s self. An urge towards a greater goal. A want to leave a mark. These things exist in both the religious and the secular, it is the ways in which the longings manifest themselves, however, that may be different..
Or they may not.
A young non-religious Egyptian teacher studying in America sees only the greed and perversion of the West. Before long returns home an Islamist, determined to spark a movement to restore the Muslim caliphate. He finds meaning in his mission and gains strength though his goals. He dies a martyr. His mark, two toppled buildings and nearly three thousand dead.
This time a fifty seven year old Austin classical guitarist lured by the threat of looming environmental disaster and his moral duty to join “the cavalry” of The Climate Project discovers meaning in a public slide show. As an apostle to the messiah of climate change, finds his calling in the altering of the natural state of an ever changing world. He must hope, one thinks, of a legacy of stagnation.
And last, a senator with her eyes on the White House makes it clear “that faith would be part of her campaign”. She uncovers meaning in the words of the profits and hopes to take them for herself. Fighting all the while for the greater goals of a blue America and the mark she can leave on its soul.