Sunday, March 26, 2006

Like a Fish Torches a Bicycle

For those without the ability to extrapolate, the riots in France should come as solemn warning of things to come.
When the mental process of Socialistic entitlement moves from the conscious to the subconscious mind, this is the result. A bratty ‘it is my right’ mentality develops. An inherent disassociation from personal compulsion and responsibility inevitably arises.
These are the creatures one would expect.
Humans so rapt in a mixture of self-loathing and false self-esteem, confusion ultimately manifests in anger. Add to that the feminine Narcissistic tendencies that are reinforced by a culture that deserves rather than earns. And we end with a stew of young people without the masculine qualities of self sacrifice and restraint.
So here we are at the true meaning of this post. The new book, "Raising Boys Without Men : How Maverick Moms Are Creating the Next Generation of Exceptional Men", is an accurate example of the sickness that inhabits our society today. It is a book designed to help single and lesbian mothers raise ‘exceptional men’. ‘Exceptional’ by what standard, one wonders. By the standards of radical Feminism?
It once again brings example to the utter disrespect for the qualities strong males bring to the raising of children and to society in general. Men, finally, are irrelevant. The fish can at last save its money, better a hybrid than a Schwinn anyway.
Much of what one would consider qualities of the Left are in fact feminine attributes. Such things as compassion without responsibility, feelings oriented action, Socialistic sharing of resources, nonjudgmental acceptance, neurotic fear of failure, all are aspects of Jung’s anima. But they are only one side of the human psyche.
A strong health society can not long exist without the positive aspects of masculinity, as well. Can not long survive with out men of strength, valor, honor, and respect. Will fall into chaos without boys who exhibit self-control, protective instinct, personal responsibility, and drive.
Our schools choose to medicate the male out of the boy. Our culture reinforces the effeminate, while demeaning the masculine. Our government plays the role of mother rather than father.
Just what kind of man are we trying to build here?
For those without the ability to extrapolate, the riots in France should come as solemn warning of things to come.

Crossposted @ The Wide Awakes