Tuesday, September 28, 2004

The Denial of Evil

The denial of evil may be the single most dangerous action of the liberal mindset. Many, I believe, have come to only acknowledge evil as it exists on the movie screen. Sure Hannibal Lechter is evil, but he isn’t real. Although if he was real, I promise you, there would be someone somewhere who would be looking for what caused him to act in such an uncivilized way….’he must have been molested as a child,’ they’d say.
“Hate the sin, not the sinner,” I’ve heard that said a few too many times. If we absolve the perpetrator of his evil actions then we don’t have to face the evil in him. If we can find some rationalization for his actions, no matter how inane, it let’s us off the hook. We don’t have to feel fear. He’s human just like us and can be reasoned with.
But that’s bull.
Evil is real.
Evil is in the man who acts upon his whims, lusts, and wants when others will most assuredly be injured by those same actions. He has no empathy for you or your family…he wants what he wants now and you may be in his way. Drug addicts and rapists are evil. Maybe not Satan evil. But evil.
Evil is in a religion that lies and kills to keep it’s power over it’s followers. And evil is in those followers that are too afraid to face that truth. And evil is in those who may not follow but sanction through inaction.
Evil is in the mind that can rationalize any bad behavior. And in the mind of those who’d look away.
Evil is everywhere…sometimes small but too often huge. It grows larger, not smaller, when we do not stand up to it. It feeds off inaction, denial, concessions. We will never kill it, but we can and we must fight it. We must admit it is real and act accordingly, personally and globally. We deny it’s existence at our own peril and the peril of our loved ones.
We, the Good, must fight the Evil. For when we don’t we become evil as well.