Monday, September 20, 2004

My First Posting

This is my first foray into the world of be gentle. Most of what you can expect to see here will be my ideas on current affairs, the state of our world, and my hopes for the future of the same. I'm told sometimes that I tend to come across as sarcastic and pompous...if that bothers you you have come to the wrong place. I will handle somethings seriously. However, I am not PC and will at times attack quite serious subjects with humor possibly insulting some readers. All I can say to that is "Grow up." One of the first thing you can expect to see is that I have little regard for those who are not 'grown up.' Those who after leaving their mothers bossom now look for Mother Government to take care of all their needs. Your life and freedom was not given to the government at the time of your birth it was given to you. It is a big resposibility but it is YOUR resposibility and no others. Enough ranting for now, but if any of the above ideas tickles your interest bone or you are completely bored and can't find Paris Hilton on any of the cable channels pop by and read a little. Don't be afraid to reply as I look forward to your thoughts on my posts....good or bad.