Saturday, October 06, 2007


It’s an odd day in October today.
The Cubs are coming home to play a meaningful game. In October.
But that’s not the most of it. It’s 85 degrees today just West of Chicago. In October.
When I was a boy we’d have called it Indian Summer. You couldn’t walk in the street, meet with your buddies, or go to the mall without someone saying, “Hey, how ‘bout this Indian Summer?” Today this statement is most probably politically incorrect. But the point here is, there is no more Indian’s now known as Global Warming. Indian Summer has been stolen from me. By a bunch of hysterical zealots.
This got me to thinking. What else has the Left stolen from me? From my country? They squawk, “Give us our country back!” How about this, give me my country back. You know the one, the one that actually existed. Not the utopia the Left nostalgically remembers from the sixties, but the one that really was there. A country of individuals. A country that believed in freedom. Freedom from the nanny state government micro-management of lives. Even freedom as a beacon to the rest of the world. As a self evident right to all peoples.
It is sad where we’ve come to in America.
Last night on 20/20 they told the story of the two boys, 12 and thirteen year old boys, from Oregon arrested for sexual felonies arising from a childish game they called ‘slap butt day’. It involved horseplay and patting some girls on the rear end. Forget the girls were just as guilty, but these young boys were arrested, strip searched, and held for six days in Juvie hall. This is insane. In a sane world, the boys would have been given detention, asked to apologize, and that would have been the end of it. Today, if not for the uproar, they could have been marked as sexual predators for the rest of their lives. The point? Feminization has stolen common sense from our schools.
All this week Rush Limbaugh has been dealing with a smear launched by a Left wing group and happily picked up on by the main stream media. I have listened to Rush for many years now, and I heard the actual ‘phony soldier’ broadcast. Rush did not impugn our soldiers. And any honest clear thinking human who would actually listen to his show for even a short amount of time would have to admit he respects and appreciates our military and our soldiers. Ah but he is a ‘Conservative’ and to our friends in the media that means ‘bad’. Either without any further investigation or with willful complicity the news media jumped on the story. If not for his massive listener-ship and the power of Conservative talk radio and Fox News, this smear would have gone unanswered. Point here? The trust Americans once had in the news has been stolen by a now unquestionably partisan media.
I love movies. Better, I used to love movies. I am afraid to watch anything coming out of Hollywood these days. The Leftist slant spewing from that moral desert is simply relentless. Over the past few months, I have had to turn off movies that I had paid good money to see. Not because the acting was bad. Not because of the sex or the violence. But because of the blatant propagandist Leftist themes dancing across my Hi-Def screen. The movie “Perfect Stranger”, with Halle Berry, lasted all of five minutes in my DVD player. The Republicans-Evil, Liberals-Good message was all too clear mere seconds after the opening credits. Not even Clint Eastwood’s “Flags of Our Fathers” could add much to my carbon foot print. I had thought it would be a movie about American heroes in WWII, it turned out to be another Leftist attack on the American military.
And music today is just as bad. I apologetically admit that in the past I had been a fan of Bruce Springsteen, U2, and John Cougar...or whatever name he is using these days. I say “apologetically”, because I can not even bear to listen to these artists anymore. I used to, and still do, love their music. But I will not buy anything new that they produce, lest it insult my values, country, or way of life. Which brings me to the point...Leftist propaganda has stolen the arts from me.
This screed has gone on a little too long as the Cubs are coming on. Oh, the safe haven of sports. But wait, wasn’t Keith Olbermann on ESPN? Hope the above doesn’t qualify me for the “Worst Person in the World Award”.
Oh, well. Here’s wishing you a happy Indian Summer.