Thursday, December 22, 2005

Now Look What Bush is Doing

When will we end the madness? This abuse as got to stop!
I want to say here, yes, we have been beaten by the Americans and we have been tortured," Saddam told the court before gesturing toward his seven co-defendants, "one by one."

OK, so there was this little, minor side story...

The deposed leader's lengthy complaint came after witnesses graphically described how their captors administered electric shocks and used molten plastic to rip the skin off prisoners in a crackdown following an assassination attempt against Saddam in 1982...

...Al-Haidari said that he and other residents from Dujail - including family members - were taken to Baghdad and thrown into a security services prison, where people from "9 to 90" were held.

Blood poured from head wounds and skin was pale from electric shocks, he testified. Security officials would drip melted plastic hoses on detainees, only to pull it off after it cooled, tearing skin off with it, he said...
...Two witnesses later testified from behind a curtain. One of them, identified only as Witness No. 2, said security officials "attached clamps to my thumbs and toes and private areas and tortured me with electricity until foam came out of my mouth."

But this is not about those whiny Iraqis, this is about the torture endured by Mr. Hussien...and how surely Bush is behind it.