Thursday, December 16, 2004

Africans Against American Religious Tyranny

Let me start off by saying I love Christmas. I love the time with family and friends, the food, the lights, the music, the festiveness. Love the hustle, the bustle, the weather, the giving, the receiving. I just love the magic of the season.
But there is that one thing...Like a shadow, every year it waits. Hiding in the dark bowels of December. Evil and black and malignant. I’m sure you have already guessed it by’s that damn song by Band Aid, ‘Do They Know It’s Christmas’!
It drives me nuts! My God, is it stupid and inane and annoying!
And here’s why....THE LYRICS MAKE NO SENSE!!!
Take this for example:

'And there won't be snow in Africa this Christmastime...'

Well, duh...Are we to feel bad because there is no snow in Africa in December? I'd bet the non-parka wearing Kenyans are very appreciative of just that fact. Beyond that, I'm betting there won't be snow in California, Nevada, Arizona, Florida, and 90% of Mexico, either. Will our pity know no bounds?
And how 'bout this:

'(Here's to you) raise a glass for everyone
(Here's to them) underneath that burning sun
Do they know it's Christmastime at all?'

Um...where do I start. Oh, here's where...'Do they know it's Christmastime at all?''s a clue...THEY DON"T CARE! I don't know the exact statistics, but I believe most are probably Muslim or some local tribal religion. They aren't Christians! They wouldn't care if they did know. Got a feeling your average Lybian would probably even spit at you if had the gall to tell him just that fact...infidel!
And what about the fact that 'Band Aid' itself is a photo line up of bad 80's bands. Here's a short list: Bananarama, Culture Club, Frankie Goes to Hollywood, Human League, Spandua Ballet....Hmmm, looking back, were we all gay back then? 'Tis the season I guess...let's go don some seasonal apparel...
But besides all that, what right do we even have pushing our religious ideals on other cultures in the first place. Shoot, the secularists, here at home, want every sign of Christmas erased from all public view. Just how long will it be before we need to change that line to 'Do we know it's Christmastime at all?'