Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Stem Cell Update

US scientists say they have discovered a new source of stem cells that could one day repair damaged human organs.
Researchers successfully extracted the cells from the fluid that fills the womb in pregnancy and then grew them in lab experiments.

Damn it, but we wanted to kill embryos!
US researchers have cloned healthy mice from skin cells for the first time.
Despite notorious difficulties in producing animals through cloning, nine of 19 mice who were born survived into adulthood.
The scientists replaced the nucleus from an unfertilised egg with the nucleus from an adult skin stem cell.

Evil adult stem cells strike again...add to the looming rat overpopulation disaster!
Women have grown their own breast implants through pioneering stem cell treatment, it emerged yesterday.
Scientists harvested the stem cells from the women's own fat and encouraged them to form breast tissue.
They say the result gives a more natural look than many of the synthetic implants used by showbusiness stars like Pamela Anderson.

So many non-embryonic stem cell breakthroughs it’s tough to keep abreast of them all.